Prospective Growth Wise Charitable SAT/ACT and College Essay Students!
To apply for free SAT/ACT or College Essay tutoring, follow these steps:
1.) Send a 30-60-second video to in which you inform us:
(a) who you are
(b) where you go to school
(c) what your G.P.A. is
(d) what extracurricular activities you participate in outside of the classroom
(e) why you want to apply for SAT/ACT tutoring and/or College Essay help
(f) what you can imagine yourself doing in college and in the rest of your life
2.) Send a second 30-60 video (you can record and send both videos on a phone) from a teacher, coach, or other adult referrer in which they say why they think you would be a great candidate to receive free SAT/ACT and College Essay Tutoring.